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MLDS Launches Advanced Training for Experienced Principals

To all Principals across Missouri,

The start of the school year is an exciting time. It is also an exciting time for MLDS, Missouri’s premier program for the development and support of effective school leaders. In recent years, over 95% of MLDS participants have confirmed that our program made them better school leaders and, more specifically, improved their instructional leadership skills.

Many of you may know MLDS for its proven track record of success in providing evidence-based training and early career mentorship that most districts simply do not have the time, bandwidth, and money to provide themselves. You may know that in the last 3 years we have also rolled out flexible options designed to make it easier for Assistant Principals and Principals like you to participate while also being present in your schools more consistently.

We are all of that and more… But for the 2023-2024 school year, MLDS is also excited to launch several enhanced content areas designed both for new AND experienced Principals and Assistant Principals. The enhanced offerings are practical – so you and your Assistant Principals have timely, effective strategies and tools ready to deploy in your schools.

The enhanced content includes:

Academic Acceleration – How will teachers consistently produce more than one year of student learning growth in one school year?

Student Well-Being – How will we foster improved self-management, executive function, and open communication to establish a solid foundation for student learning?

Teacher Retention and Recruiting – How will we take care of our own, grow our own, and set the table to recruit A-players?

Complete the form below and an MLDS representative from your region will follow up with you to complete enrollment in the MLDS program or provide you the value of MLDS. There is no cost to you or your district.
You may also leave a message at 617-423-1444 (CTAC) or 573-751-7986 (DESE) and one of our team members will contact you soon.